DIY Ethan Allen Inspired Chairs

I am absolutely in love with the whole Restoration Hardware, Ethan Allen look so I decided to use that as a base for my entire master bedroom. For my first DIY project for the room I made over these chairs! Watcha think? I scored them at my local thrift shop for $8 each. Yes!

Here is the before picture!

First step was to remove the seat, and remove the staples under the seat to remove the fabric. Keep the original screws though, cause you'll need them later

Remove the origial farbic and use it as a template to cut your new fabric. For this project I bouught 2 yards, but only used a little over one yard.
Add fabric glue. I used this one:

Add thumbtacks to your seat on the back to make sure the original padding stays in place.

Now start pulling your fabric very tight along the back, start gluing ( uh-- that looks strange.. the word I mean) the fabric to the board
Now add your seat back to the frame and screw back in your screws. Remember? Told you that if you didn't keep your screws you'd be... screwed 

And voila!


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