Easter Mantel Reveal and Natural Egg Dye Tutorial

Its' Easter! Yup, and I've spent the last 14 days planning an Easter wreath (member?) and well, everything I had to make the wreath kept wilting and dying. Sad right? Yes, I think the trick is to use a certain kind of plant that can be "wreathed up" and actually survive. Dang. So morbid on this Easter weekend. Okay enough about the morbid details of my Easter mantel planning and on to the fun!

Oh and scroll down below for the details of my Green Tea DIY natural egg dye!

"He is Risen" free printable via Nest of Posies! I can't get enough of her printables. Like really folks!

Tassel garland via my Etsy shop

** Green Tea Egg Dye**                                                                 

We dyed a few Easter eggs using green tea! It was amazing. Here are the steps!

  • Boil eggs for about 20 minutes in a separate pot
  • Boil 2 bags of green tea in a separate pot with enough water to cover the tops of the eggs
  • Add your boiled eggs to the pot of boiling tea, and let them boil in the green tea for at least 15-20 more minutes.
  • Turn off the stove and let the eggs soak in the tea for at least 30 minutes. 
  • Remove the eggs and let them cool. They will darken as they cool.

End result. I kind of love the imperfections and the vintage look.


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