Valentine's Day Inspiration

Hey readers! I promise to start blogging on the weekdays again. I'm not sure what happen, but I totally loose track of time on the weekdays, and then on the weekends, you can find me here, making tissue paper tassel garland like a mad woman.

Okay, so this whole Valentine's Day thing is always exciting. I think it has something to do with the whole love, heart, all the sweetness, I mean literally. Candy, and desserts are to Valentine's Day what Turkey is to Thanksgiving. Just sayin.

As I blog, my girls are cuddling on the floor in front of me as I sit on their playroom floor, and pretend to watch TV with them. Every once in a while my 17 month old will kick her leg around the top of my laptop screen to let me know that's she's still here of course.

I can't help but to get excited about sharing Valentine's Day-- lover's day with the people I love the most-- my three children and my wonderfully attractive husband.

This year I'd like to decorate my mantel for V-Day with handmade crafts ( of course!) and a few thrifted pieces so that I can truly add a unique touch to the space.

Here's my V-Day Holiday mantel inspiration board on Pinterest.

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