5 Steps to Lower Your Heating Bill This Winter

I can't believe it's already winter. It seems like just yesterday I pulled out my handy-dandy 8-year old flip flops. Actually it was yesterday because I live in California which by the way has the most unpredictable weather patterns in the world. Like on Monday its 90 degrees, Tuesday its 50, Wednesday its 80 and Thursday and 50 with rain. Like, who does that?

Anywho-- I love November and while I know this is officially fall we are heading into the colder ( not cold because it's well California-- I think I've said this too much, sorry folks!) months and heating our wonderful home with all of its magnificent vaulted ceilings is a pain.

Everyone that knows me is aware that I am a nerd. Like a full blown nerd. I called PG&E-- our gas and electric company, and asked them how I can lower my heating bill this winter. Yup.

While we kinda came up with a plan-- gas heaters are three times more efficient than electric heaters, which is a major hell yea for me, but I did a little research and I wanted to share these tips with all of you!

1. Seek aid to finance an energy efficient home or energy saving aids. I saw something online about being able to work with a specialist from your gas company to install energy efficient bulbs etc...

2. Insulate your walls with cavity wall or loft insulation which can be a do-it-yourself job.

3. Always unplug appliances and turn off lights after leaving a room.

4. Look for energy efficient appliances and use a 20 watt bulb instead of using a 100 watt bulb. 

5. Use heat more effectively. When cooking cover pots and sauce pans when cooking or when heating food try using microwaves instead of conventional ovens to conserve energy.

I don't know about you but my plan is to get my energy bill down to a comfy $10.00 a month. Kidding, that's how much it would cost me to heat my Toyota Camry. 

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