Eye on the Trend: Mediterranean Interior Decor

Sometimes, when I'm cooking in my kitchen, and I need to suddenly transport myself to a far away Villa, I simply stare at the tiles on my kitchen floor.

My kitchen floor is so Mediterranean. No really, it is. I'm all, "My kitchen floor looks like Spanish or something", as I describe it to the poor Lowe's associates. Ha!

I am such an Interior Designer now (not!) that I've mastered the art of distinguishing design styles apart from each other. Quick... give me a photo of a space, and I can tell you if it's Eclectic, Mediterranean, Traditional or Modern.ha! What if dating was like this? Hmm... what style of man am I looking for? My answer would have been Ethnic, as my dear hubby hails from the Eastern region of Nigeria! Love!

Anywho, for my trend watch, I found a few super cute Mediterranean style rooms-- and a few products below that I adore! I hate to be all Eat, Pray Love, but there is just something so dreamy, and Old World about the Mediterranean style, that I just can't get enough of.


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