It's Mother's Day: Here's my kind of a birth story. I never mention the world placenta though

This is a super emotional and heart felt post. Well, kinda. I guess. Whatever.

Anywho. I grabbed coffee with a few of my coworkers last week, and one of them asked me about my birthing story. I have three wonderful children and three totally unique urgh.. wonderful stories about each of their births.

Here is a quick and painless, high level synopsis.

Baby Number 1: Pushed 4 times, 30 minutes. Hello!
Baby Number 2: Pushed 2 times, 30 minutes. Welcome!
Baby Number 3: Pushed 8 times, 45 minutes. Happy Birthday!

My children are the most wonderful part of my life. I mean, really? I look at their little hands and feet, and think " Wow, you were inside of mommy's belly"-- at which point my 4-year old daughter smiles and giggles.

Between attempting to potty train, okay I lie... I am actually not potty training my soon-to-be 3 year old son anymore because he is way stubborn and he refuses to go anywhere near the bathroom! One day he will use the potty chair on his own. Hopefully before his junior year of college.

See?! Tasks like this makes it tough for me to slow down at this point and remember carrying each of my children and tackling wonderful morning sickness-- which by the way lasted way past the darn morning, and almost into the third trimester for my second!

Here are a few super cute pregnancy photos that I just adore!




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