Move-Over: Creating Rooms from Movies and TV Show Sets

I knew that I had an odd obsession with interior design because as a kid, I used to watch the movie Ms. Doubtfire, and stare at the interior design in every scene.

Or, when I used to look through (okay, stare at for countless hours) Spiegel magazine home decor sections and imagine myself in the pages of the catalogs. Are they still around? Creepy— anywho.

To satisfy my odd childhood fascination turned adult obsession, I came across this site. Hooked On Houses.

Among other things it takes homes from your favorite motion picture or TV show and dissects each room’s décor. Love!!!

Here are a few of my fav TV/ Movie houses.

Something’s Gotta Give: I went ape insane over the décor in this house. In fact the home design kept my attention away from Jack Nicholson’s creepy facial expressions.
The Change Up: I haven’t seen this movie— or any movie (really) since 2007, yup… I’m cool, but first thing on my to-do list this weekend is to Redbox this one!

With TV shows and motion picture homes as my inspiration, here’s my rendition of the set of Disney’s Good Luck Charlie.

Here is the Good Luck Charlie set.

Here is my set kid’s playroom in my home. Now only if my three lovely children behaved liked actors and followed directions well and payed me for my time.--- that would be amaze!

You may remember my initial playroom post here. Yup… I’m still not done.. but I just wanted to update you people on my slow… drawn out… process..


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